Retirement Expectations Gone Horribly Wrong

Millions, upon millions of Americans believe that they will be A-OK during their retirement years. Actually, they are banking on it, even though their success during retirement hinges more on hope than on assets. More and more retirees each year across the nation...

Making the Right Social Security Decision

Retirement, like so many other aspects of our lives, is uncertain. The financial equation of retirement certainly lends itself to constant uncertainty because we do not know how long we are going to live, our health, future market returns, economic inflation or...

Screwing Up Retirement

When the question is posed to the average American asking “Why do you think that people who retired with assets fail in retirement?”….a survey conducted found that the most common response recorded by participants was “investment...

The Robotic Advisor

The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy issued an Investor Alert in May 2015 discussing the risks and limitations of online investment platforms and tools; including the use of Robo-Advisors. Robo-Advisors are the recent online investment platforms for...

Social Security Benefit Changes

In November 2015, Congress signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act that effectively brought an end to both legal and permissible claiming strategies inadvertently created under the 2000 Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act. These claiming strategies, falling under...

Waking up a Widow

Dealing with the death of a spouse can be emotionally devastating and mentally taxing. “I couldn’t remember where I put the keys or my Social Security number and became paralyzed making decisions. I thought I was losing my mind.” It takes time for a new widow to work...