For the Business Owner
Perhaps the most important need a CFP® can fulfill for a business owner who is looking forward to retiring involves preparing for that succession. While this process requires determined advance planning and coordination of a multi-disciplinary team; it should properly begin with a CFP® who can provide a customized retirement analysis and strategic game plan.
- Financial Independence/Retirement Analysis
- Business Valuation and Diagnostic Assessment
- Succession Planning – Exit Strategies
- Life after Selling the Business – Income Planning and Estate Plan Review

The American Dream
As younger businesses grow, needs apart from growth present themselves. Whether it is tax planning, or bringing on a partner, or protecting the sustainability of the business, an experienced CFP® can provide valuable insight. Hourly, short term business planning analysis and counsel is offered as a stand-alone engagement and often project specific.
- Solo 401(k) Plans, SEP-IRAs, SIMPLE IRA Plans
- Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Analysis
- Buy-Sell Agreement Review and Analysis
- Funding Research and Placement for Buy-Sell Agreement
- Disability Planning, Analysis & Recommendation
- Estate Planning Review